- Operators - explanation of all different operators available in verilog
- Synchronous Logic - synchronous logic explained in a video with in depth text
- Overall language overview in German - a good overall verilog language overview in german
- Verilog Tutorials for iCE40HX8K - Adaptation of the Embedded Micro tutorial for iCE40HX8K
- CPLD Verilog intro - Dangerous Prototypes on how to light a LED on their CPLD platform, they have multiple basic tutorials
- Verilog tutorial - by; asic world has a lot of material regarding different HDL’s, but also very basic digital electronics tutorials.
- - This is the tutorial heaven, definitely check that out if you are looking for inspiration what to do
- Quick Reference Sheet - The quick reference sheet I use the most
- EEVblog #496 - What Is An FPGA? - EEVblog video about what an FPGA is, very enthusiastic guy.
- What is an FPGA - Embedded Micro on what an FPGA is
- Transistors - Embedded Micro on what a Transistor is, they also have other basic electronics tutorials; definitely worth a read if you are catching up on the basics
- AND OR NOT - Logic Gates Explained - Computerphile video on logic gates
- hackaday - How CMOS works Pt. 1 - hackaday video about CMOS
- hackaday - How CMOS works Pt. 2 - - hackaday video about CMOS